Calculates the zeros of a polynomial using Bernoulli's algorithm.
std::vector<double> | bernoulli (const std::vector<double> &polynomial)
Calculates the zeros of a function using Aitken acceleration.
double | aitken (double (*f)(double), double x0 = 0, double eps = 1E-10, int maxit = 1000, double c = -1)
Calculates the zeros of a function using the bisection method.
double | bisection (double (*f)(double), double x0 = -1E+7, double x1 = 1E+7, double eps = 1E-10)
Calculates the zeros of a function using Brent's method.
double | brent (double (*f)(double), double x1 = -1E+7, double x2 = 1E+7, double eps = 1E-10, int maxit = 1000)
Calculates the zeros of a function using the Regula-Falsi method.
double | falseposition (double (*f)(double), double x0 = -1E+7, double x1 = 1E+7, double eps = 1E-10, double maxit = 1000)
Calculates the zeros of a function using Muller's method.
double | muller (double (*f)(double), double x0 = 0, double d = 3, double eps = 1E-10, int maxit = 1000)
Calculates the zeros of a function using Newton's method.
double | newton (double (*f)(double), double (*df)(double), double x = 0, double eps = 1E-10, int maxit = 1000)
Calculates the zeros of a function using the secant method.
double | secant (double (*f)(double), double x0 = -1E+7, double x1 = 1E+7, double eps = 1E-10, int maxit = 1000)