Calculates the arithmetic mean of a given population
template<class T> double | mean (int n, T *data)
Calculates the absolute deviation of a given set of data.
template<class T> double | avedev (int n, T *data)
Calculates the number of combinations for a given set of data.
double | combin (int n, int k)
Calculates the covariance of a given set of data
template<class T> double | covariance (int n, T *data, T *data1)
Calculates the sum of squared deviations of a given set of data.
template<class T> double | devsq (int n, T *data)
Calculates Fisher transformation.
Calculates the inverse of the Fisher transformation.
double | fisher_inv (double x)[inline]
Calculates how often values occur within a given set of ranges.
template<class T> std::vector<int> | frequency (int n, T *data, int m, T *bin)
Calculates the geometric mean of a given population.
template<class T> double | geometric (int n, T *data)
Calculates the harmonic mean of a given population.
template<class T> double | harmonic (int n, T *data)
Calculates the kurtosis of a given set of data.
template<class T> double | kurtosis (int n, T *data)
Finds the most common value in an array.
template<class T> T | mode (int n, T *data)
Calculates the Pearson product for a given set of data.
template<class T> double | pearson (int N, T *data, T *data1)
Calculates the number of permutations for a given set of data.
double | permut (int n, int k)
Calculates the probability that values in a range are between two limits.
template<class T> double | prob (int n, T *data, double *prob, int x, int y=INT_MAX)
Calculates the rank of a number in a list of numbers.
template<class T> int | rank (int x, int n, T *data, bool ascending=true)
Calculates the skewness of a given set of data.
template<class T> double | skewness (int n, T *data)
Finds the smallest value of order k in the given array.
template<class T> T | smallest (int n, T *data, int k)
Calculates the mean of the interior of data set.
template<class T> double | trimmean (int n, T *data, double p)
Calculates the variance of a given set of data.
template<class T> double | variance (int n, T *data, bool total = false)
Calculates the correlation of a given set of data.
template<class T>double | correlation (int n ,T *data ,T *data1)[inline]
Calculates the standard deviation of a given population.
template<class T> double | stdev (int n, T *data, bool total = false)
Finds the largest value of order k in the given array.
template<class T>T | largest (int n, T *data, int k)[inline]
Returns the median of the given population.
template<class T> double | median (int n, T *data)[inline]
Calculates the statistics for a set of data that may change size frequently.
template<...> class | Statistics ()