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Index » Products » LaTeX Equation Editor »

Synthetic Division

CodeCogs\′s Photo
1 Jan 10, 4:55PM
(3 replies)
Synthetic Division
Given the academic use of the equation editor, we are trialling the use of the longdiv and polynom packages. These compliment each other with longdiv working numerically, while polynom works algebraically on the supplied functions.

Example 1

Example of long division:

The Polynom package is a little more fun, working algebraically on polynomials, See http://www.cs.brown.edu/system/software/latex/doc/polynom.pdf for more details.

Example 2

Divide by

Example 3


If you find these packages useful then please let us know. We try to limit the packages we include in order to maintain system speed. We'll withdraw these options at the end of January 2010 unless these is sufficient interest.

turadg\′s Photo
3 Jan 10, 9:02AM
Please keep this! It's very useful for education and I intend to add it to the question set sharing site, http://QCommons.org .
shaileshmota\′s Photo
18 Oct 10, 1:47PM
please ....please include these packages !!!!
kreut\′s Photo
14 Apr 11, 11:40PM
These are EXTREMELY helpful! Please don't ever let them go. :)
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