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URL vs. non-URL enocding

kreut\′s Photo
10 Sep 11, 6:59PM
URL vs. non-URL enocding

Thanks for the feedback and for telling me about the encodeURIComponent. Again, as I mentioned, I'm a bit of a javascript newbie AND I had not even heard of URL encoding until about 4 days ago when I implemented the htmlpurifier and saw that it was changing my CodeCogs code. Regarding the exceCommant, I fear that I don't have a URL for the faulty code. Perhaps I somehow typed a t there by accident? Regardless, from a user's perspective even if it were there (which it sounds like it's not in the source!), it really didn't affect the User's experience.

Finally, I think that enocding < and > in the next edition will certainly be of help.

Enjoy your weekend!

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