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Index » Products » LaTeX Equation Editor »

is there Latex equation editor(online )to draw geometric shapes?

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hayder\′s Photo
9 Jan 12, 7:40PM
(9 replies)
is there Latex equation editor(online )to draw geometric shapes?
hello i'd like to draw geometric shapes using the equation editor. haw i can do that ? i use some latex codes to draw: a line ; angle (obtus. right...) & circle but i can't draw it with a exact measurment like i want. have got answer?

2- can you add arabic or persan language to write math using your equation editor finnaly this is my (test) to draw geometric shapes


CodeCogs\′s Photo
11 Jan 12, 9:43AM
I'm afraid we can't really help you.

Although the equation editor can draw basic shapes. It is not really designed for that purpose. There are a number of much better interactive drawing solutions. Google for example have some online tools.
hayder\′s Photo
11 Jan 12, 2:41PM
t think that the creation of online geometric editor is so important .im not good in programation but my idea is to use coordinate geometry formula in this codes to make this editor .may be this example will cleared my speech :this code will draw paralel line but if i change the first cordenate(1,1) to (-1,1) i get a perpenduclar line
hope to you good day
hayder\′s Photo
11 Jan 12, 3:05PM
excuse me i posted a replay but it was cuted by the insertion of the first image. My question is it possible to add geometric codes in this editor like the icon of function insertion ? the answer may be itsn't possible ? i have another question can you add codes that it will make the little symbole so big us we like for example there are symbole of triangle square a circle in ...

thanx again
CodeCogs\′s Photo
11 Jan 12, 3:59PM
I'm not sure if I'm answering your question. But the CodeCog toolbar can contain any latex codes within the buttons. So its completely possible to include buttons with codes for the geometric commands. If you would like to define some standard shapes etc, then we can create a new toolbar panel just for this purpose.
hayder\′s Photo
15 Jan 12, 3:27PM
hello this my test may yo do better than me i'm not goodin proigramation

drawing 2 circle

drawing square

To draw rectangle change the 2 numbers in brackets

to draw line

for example line with 70mm

to draw angle

right angle

to draw oval

to draw victor

to draw cirle with d <=40

to draw a disc with d <=40

have a nice a day
hayder\′s Photo
16 Jan 12, 8:17PM
i know it's so difficult to use this equation editor to draw a shaps like we want , but this a small step to do that i hope that day is comming

Icombinate between some latex codes to get this pictures.

2) the code ( qbezier) to draw:

3) the same code(dashbox) with some small changement ( a lot of of changement to make this picture

finaley! drawing a face

i hope see this geometric editor one day

CodeCogs\′s Photo
16 Jan 12, 9:55PM
You're not getting carried away by any chance :)

We can easily incorporate all of these images into buttons on the toolbar. Attached in a sample XML document that defines how to create a panel. If you add latex for whatever you want into this we can put it live.

Thanks Will
hayder\′s Photo
28 Jan 12, 2:39PM
i will do that one day but for the moment i'm testing those codes. 1)This is not graduate line like you see but a small parallel line crossing by another line .

2) 2adjacent angle

big table ]


hayder\′s Photo
13 Feb 12, 8:09PM

Can explain those error M.codecogs

1)blocked word.

2)equation too long.

3)invalid equation.

and the other error ,if there are .

is it possible to change the diameter of circle more than 40mm is it possible to add the PSTricks and TikZ codes in your editor

i will post the accents xml file the next replay Have nice day.
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