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Index » Products » LaTeX Equation Editor »

"align" in online latex equation editor doesn't work properly...

TheWonderer\′s Photo
13 Apr 12, 1:35PM
(3 replies)
"align" in online latex equation editor doesn't work properly...
Hi, here is the "text":




which isn't correct.

CodeCogs\′s Photo
15 Apr 12, 10:46AM
Actually this is technically right (according to LaTeX markup). If you want to get rid of the numbering, then use align*, as in

(a+b)^3 &= (a+b)^2(a+b)\\

which gives:
TheWonderer\′s Photo
15 Apr 12, 11:07AM
strangely... well i was trying to get it numbered... Tested on another TEX editor and it works as it should. check it yourself: http://www.numberempire.com/texequationeditor/equationeditor.php


Anyway thanks.
CodeCogs\′s Photo
15 Apr 12, 11:58AM

I see your problem. Interestingly numberempire are using an older version of our system - so we've somehow introduce a bug!

We'll look into this. Thanks for posting the correct image.
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