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How to make a DLL from cdf_inv.h code?

JorgeBJ\′s Photo
28 May 12, 6:33PM
(4 replies)
How to make a DLL from cdf_inv.h code?

I'm not a programmer of C/C++

I buy cdf_inv.h code and need to compile the cdf_inv.h and create a dll that I can use it in the programming language I use.

What software should I use to compile and make the DLL?

I try MinGW but I only generates a *. H.gch what is a file h.gch?

thanks regards
CodeCogs\′s Photo
28 May 12, 6:58PM
What is your target language?

If you on a Windows machine, then most languages are now .NET compatible, so your best route is probably to use Visual studio.Net and wrap the C++ in a C# wrapper; and then your (or our code) will be accessible in other languages.

If you working on Linux; then your probably best looking at the programming language you use and seeing how they allow you to build C/C++ code.

Hope this helps.
JorgeBJ\′s Photo
28 May 12, 8:18PM

Yes, i have Windows Seven. I use Clarion programming language.

Clarion programming language can use any DLL created by another programming language.

Ok, Visual Studio but ... Is there free software that compile files *. H and then a target DLL file?

It is required to make a cpp file for the DLL? Do you have a sample cpp file?

Thank you for your first response and for your help :) Regards
CodeCogs\′s Photo
28 May 12, 8:28PM
I've not done this outside of VS.

Have you tried a google search: http://www.mingw.org/wiki/sampleDLL
JorgeBJ\′s Photo
28 May 12, 8:46PM
Yes, i try with Mingw but not working to cdf_inv.h MinGW only generates a file with extension "h.gch" ("cdf_inv.h.gch" and is it very large the file)

What is a file h.gch? It is required to make a cpp file for the cdf_inv.h?
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