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Excel Render v3.0.4.3

CodeCogs\′s Photo
28 Jan 13, 9:18PM
Excel Render v3.0.4.3
Perhaps our biggest minor update to Excel Render has now been released.

There release introduces a range of new features and some optimisations, including:
  • Using the Ctrl-key you can now toggle on/off each of the main rendering buttons. This allows you to render equations in two or three forms (i.e. by Reference, Name and Value) simultaneously. Great for helping you debug a sheet and work out which variable has the faulty number.
  • A new 'default font' option that uses the formula text color and background within the equations. Handy if you like white-on-black or to highlight a key equation in yellow.
  • Consistant naming and description of all buttons across all versions of our Tool.
  • Support for international languages - although right now we only have English. But we'll shortly be posting up the translation pages and asked those who speak the language natively to tweak our grammer (Google translate is only so good!)
  • A label with multiple assignment, i.e a=b=, is now reduced to just 'a=', by taking the first part.
  • Improved download for our Excel 2007 version. On a general note if any of our versions don't install, pleased let us know ASAP.
  • And a collection of rather boring tweaks that really don't make a blind bit of difference, except to make our code more stable and readable.

Please download and check out all the features and send us your feedback.

And for the streams of people who keep asking how to buy it. Well, from February 16th you can for an introductory price of just five british pounds (software doesn't have to cost the earth!). This price is limited, and will increase dramatically soon after, so I strongly suggest you tell your friends, family, grandma, boss/wife, dog and anyone else you think might benefit to get a copy early on.

Thanks for the tremendous support so far.

Your CodeCogs team
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