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Index » Products » Formula Render (fxRender) »

fxRender v3.0.9.0 (Recommended upgrade)

CodeCogs\′s Photo
15 May 13, 1:13AM
fxRender v3.0.9.0 (Recommended upgrade)
This version fixes a major bug within fxRender that generated the error message "Unable to form equation. Index was outside the bounds of the array". Thanks to Rick for report this.

In addition, we have also made the following enhancements:
  • If (for whatever reason) the foreground and background colour of your Excel cell are identical, we invert the foreground colour we use when generating the equation.
  • We've added support for the following LaTeX commands:
  1. \grave
  2. \vec
  3. \check
  4. \breve
  5. \acute
  6. \dot \ddot \dddot and \ddddot !!
  7. \overbrace
  8. \underbrace

The system now supports the vast majority of the mathematical LaTeX markup, including many of the main extensions. However, we recognise that not everything we've done is perfect, so please let us know about any commands, features or niggle gripes - especially with formatting.
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