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Kelvin functions for excel

Warning: imagegif(/var/www/localhost/htdocs/images/avatars/Films/Movies_-_Shakespeare_50_0_thumb.gif): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/php/functions/image_fn.php on line 144
ioan.purcar\′s Photo
8 Apr 14, 7:04AM
(2 replies)
Kelvin functions for excel
I would like to test the Kelvin function for excel. How can I get them? Thank you, Marius
CodeCogs\′s Photo
21 Apr 14, 10:40AM

We've dropped support for excel for now as we need to overhaul how this works. The problem is that the addins have to be compiled by hand on a separate machine, which has become a nightmare to administer. We hope to be able to restore this service soon, but as an integral part of fxRender.

jobardu\′s Photo
23 Oct 15, 7:29PM
Hi Will: You mention in the above post that you have dropped support for Excel.

I read previously about how to install a module from CodeCogs to Excel by downloading the extension and then navigating to the Add-Ins option and choosing the extension to activate it in Excel. This is a very attractive and useful function of the library and one that many users, especially non-developers, would find useful.

Does your message mean that this is no longer possible? If so, is there a plan to reincorporate Excel add-in functionality?


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