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Index » Products » Formula Render (fxRender) »

fxRender v4 (beta) (Essential upgrade)

CodeCogs\′s Photo
12 Apr 14, 10:49AM
(1 reply)
fxRender v4 (beta) (Essential upgrade)
We're pleased to announce (at long last) the release of fxRender v4.

This represents a major step change to fxRender, with a significant rewrite of the program so that one executable operates across all version of Microsoft Excel. This is in response to substantial challenges some of our users had with the previous version that required an unacceptable number of prerequisites even before they could install fxRender.

In addition, fxRender now support a new expand an shrink feature that allow you to see not just the immediate equations, but also any formulas that you formula depends upon - all brought together in one equation. We believe this is a first for Excel and it certainly transforms our ability to see all the workings and numbers behind a calculation.

Due to new security features that we had to incorporated into our servers, fxRender v3 no longer works. You must uninstall v3, and install the new version. Users of our previous version, who have been effected by this, will be receiving a extra 6 months of free usage, as a token of our regret.

We hope you'll love v4. Please let us know if you experience any problem.

tranquillity\′s Photo
2 May 14, 12:16AM
I have found a bug when using the "value" button on a cell which references a cell that is blank. It causes the rest of the equation not to be rendered. I've attached an image below highlighting the problem.

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