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Want png or svg equation inserted instead of gif with CKEditor 4.X plugin

joakimfl\′s Photo
11 Jun 14, 6:15PM
(2 replies)
Want png or svg equation inserted instead of gif with CKEditor 4.X plugin
Currently using Equation with CKEditor 4.X plugin, and the equation gets inserted as a gif image. The non-CKEditor version of the Equation Editor has a menu for selecting the format of the equation that gets generated, which does not appear in the CKEditor version of the Equation Editor. Two questions: 1. Is there a way of enabling this menu in the CKEditor 4.X plugin 2. Even if it isn't possible to enable this menu, is it possible to set the default format generated by the CKEditor 4.X plugin to be png or svg?
CodeCogs\′s Photo
15 Jun 14, 7:47PM

If you modify the plugin code eqneditor.js you can change the default format from gif to png or svg, by adding the following line to the onLoad function:
onLoad : function() {
 	EqEditor.add(new EqTextArea('CCequation'+window.CCounter, 'CClatex'+window.CCounter),false);
onLoad : function() {
 	EqEditor.add(new EqTextArea('CCequation'+window.CCounter, 'CClatex'+window.CCounter),false);
However, if you use svg, please note that the results may look different across browsers and operating systems due to different use of fonts etc.
VishalW\′s Photo
26 Jul 17, 12:34PM
Thank you. Exactly what I needed...
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