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How to use library.h file that I purchased

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salim.rostami\′s Photo
12 Aug 14, 2:50PM
(1 reply)
How to use library.h file that I purchased

I just purchased a module (CDF_inv) from this site. after payment I downloaded the .h file and copied it to the default folder of Visual Studio 2013. Now when I debug my code in VS, another tab pops up written "You do not own a valid licence for this module!". What is the problem? Is it because my payment (via PayPal) is not finalized yet? (in the email I received it is mentioned that the payment will be executed by August 19 which is too late for me)

Later I would like to send my code as a released file (not open source) to my supervisor. Would my supervisor need to pay for the file separately to be able to run the code?

Please help me, this is urgent and related to my thesis.

Regards, Salim
salim.rostami\′s Photo
12 Aug 14, 3:12PM
1 other thing to mention. When I pressed "Add to cart" button in the related page, it automatically added multiple licences but only one of them was "CDF_inv". I manully removed all other references from the cart. Is there something wrong with it? I only need to use "doubleCDF_inv" function.
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