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Do not see any button in Equation Editor 2.1 plugin for CKEditor

Prabal1\′s Photo
3 Sep 15, 6:52AM
(7 replies)
Do not see any button in Equation Editor 2.1 plugin for CKEditor

This is what I see when I click on the equation editor icon in CKEditor's toolbar:


We're using CKEditor v4.x . Have tried FF and Chrome, and verified with clearing cache.

Any idea what may be causing this?

Thanks for help!
CodeCogs\′s Photo
3 Sep 15, 2:44PM
Thanks for letting me know. This was due to an error in our SELinx installation.

Now fixed. Will
Prabal1\′s Photo
3 Sep 15, 3:28PM
Thanks a lot for the fast response!

Should I re-download the 2.1 (or 2.2) plugin zip and re-install?

Thanks, Prabal.
Prabal1\′s Photo
3 Sep 15, 8:27PM
BTW: I downloaded the 2.2 zip file and installed, cleared cache, and I still see the same issue. Not sure if I'm using the version that you fixed.

  • Prabal.
zedh\′s Photo
4 Sep 15, 5:18PM
The error was present yesterday, September 3, and it cleared by evening hours (California time) and then the problem occurred again today.

Error appears to be: 500 - Internal Server error and the offending call is http://latex.codecogs.com/eqneditor/editor_embedded_json.php?id=CCtoolbar1&SID=&design=efull

I hope this helps
CodeCogs\′s Photo
4 Sep 15, 9:42PM

We've been experiencing exceptionally high loads over the last week. Not sure what it is about this time of the year, but we've rarely seen anything like it.

As a result our servers have been shunting down for a second in the vague hope traffic will reduce. Unfortunately this has the opposite effect, with them experiencing even high demand on resumption of service after the second pause.

To start with, Were going to be banning a lot of high use users over this weekend. If you happen to be one of these please contact us and plead your case. Unless you've already notified us previously with your contact details we won't contact you.

Second well be accelletating our development of a new equation rendering solution, that can process 10x the number of equations on the same hardware.

Finally, if we get sufficient donations we will dig deep and install a new window servers.

If you are a company please consider buying our commercial licence. You can then operate on secure private servers, while you also be heckling to support the new free service for others.

Thanks Will
CodeCogs\′s Photo
6 Sep 15, 10:30AM
We've rectified some settings which appear to have fixed the issue which causes the servers to go into shut-down. Essentially we que the jobs for longer. They have been running without incident for the last 24hours. This is a weekend, so we'll continue to monitor them closely, but please report back if you continue to experience problems.
Prabal1\′s Photo
7 Sep 15, 2:45PM
Works fine at my end. Thanks a lot!
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