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Pierson Moskowitz

Defines the Pierson Moskowitz spectra in the wave-frequency domain






The Pierson-Moskowitz (PM) spectra is an empirical relationship that defines the distribution of energy with frequency within the ocean.

Developed in 1964 the PM spectrum is one of the simplest descriptions for the energy distribution. It assumes that if the wind blows steadily for a long time over a large area, then the waves will eventually reach a point of equilibrium with the wind. This is known as a fully developed sea. Pierson and Moskowitz developed their spectrum from measurements in the North Atlantic during 1964, and presented the following relationship between energy distribution and wind:

15422/PMspectrum2.jpg cannot be found in /users/15422/PMspectrum2.jpg. Please contact the submission author.

  • \inline \alpha is a numerical constant =0.0081
  • \inline \beta is a numerical constant =0.74
  • g is gravity
  • Missing Equation End: $U_{19.4}Missing Equation End: $ is the wind speed at 19.4m above the sea surface.



  • These functions conform to British Standards (BS 6349-1:2000), 24 July 2003.
  • These functions conform to European ISO standards 19901-1:2005

PM Gnnw U

doublealpha = 0.0081
doublebeta = 1.25 )
The original generic PM spectra, defined by wind speed:


wwave-frequency (\inline 2\pi/s)
Uis the wind speed at 19.4m above the sea surface (m/s)
alphacontrols the intensity of the Spectra, the default value is \inline \alpha=0.0081
betacontrols the shape factor, \inline \beta=1.25
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PM Gnnw Wp

doublealpha = 0.0081
doublebeta = 1.25 )
The PM spectra defined by a spectral peak frequency (\inline \omega_p): where
  • \inline \alpha = 0.0081
  • \inline \omega_p = 0.877g/(\pi U_{19.5})
  • \inline \beta = 1.25

For a range of typical north sea conditions (where α =0.0081 and \inline  \omega_p=2 \pi/12.4=0.5), but with varying peak enhancements the PM spectra has the form
There is an error with your graph parameters for PM_Gnnw_wp with options w=0:1.4 wp=0.5:0.8:4

Error Message:Function PM_Gnnw_wp failed. Ensure that: Invalid C++


wwave-frequency (2 π/s)
wpthe peak wave frequency (2 π/s)
alphaThe intensity of the Spectra. Default value = 0.0081
betaA shape factor. Default value = 1.25
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PM Gnnw Tp

doubleTp )
The PM spectra defined by the significant wave height (\inline H_s) and the peak wave period (\inline T_p)):

For sea state with \inline H_s=4.0m,
There is an error with your graph parameters for PM_Gnnw_Tp with options w=0:2 Hs=4 Tp=10:6:3

Error Message:Function PM_Gnnw_Tp failed. Ensure that: Invalid C++


wwave-frequency (2 π/s)
Hssignificant wave height (m)
Tppeak wave period (s)
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PM Gnnw Tz

doubleTz )
The PM spectra defined by the significant wave height (\inline H_s) and the zero crossing period (\inline T_z)):

For sea state with \inline H_s=4.0m,
There is an error with your graph parameters for PM_Gnnw_Tz with options w=0:2 Hs=4 Tz=10:6:3

Error Message:Function PM_Gnnw_Tz failed. Ensure that: Invalid C++


wwave-frequency (2 π/s)
Hssignificant wave height (m)
Tzzero crossing period (s)
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PM Wind To Wp

doublePM_wind_to_wpdoublewind )
The peak frequency of the PM spectrum is based empirically on wind speed,

  • \inline U_{19.4} is the wind speed at 19.5m above the sea surface

The relationship between wind speeds at different elevations are given by the expression i.e. \inline  U_{19.5}=22.55\;m/s is equivalent to \inline  U_{10}=20.6\;m/s


windThe wind speed 19.4m above the sea surface. [m/s]


peak wave frequency (rad/s)
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PM Wind To Tp

doublePM_wind_to_Tpdoublewind )
Converts wind speed to peak wave period: where \inline \omega_p is defined by (7).


windThe wind speed 19.4m above the sea surface. [m/s]


peak wave frequency (rad/s)
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PM Tp To Alpha

doubleTp )
Returns a factor \inline \alpha that provides a linear scaling of the wave energy within both the PM and JONSWAP spectra: where
  • \inline H_s is the significant wave heights (m)
  • \inline T_p is the peak wave period (s)


Hssignificant wave height (m), i.e. \inline H_s=4m.
Tppeak wave period, i.e. \inline T_p=10s.
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PM Tz To Alpha

doubleTz )
Returns a factor \inline \alpha that provides a linear scaling of the wave energy within both the PM and JONSWAP spectra: where
  • \inline H_s is the significant wave heights (m)
  • \inline T_z is the zero crossing wave period (s)


Hssignificant wave height (m), i.e. \inline H_s=4m.
Tzpeak wave period, i.e. \inline T_z=10s.
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PM Tz To Tp

doublePM_Tz_to_TpdoubleTz )
Returns the zero crossing wave period (\inline T_z) associated with the peak wave period (\inline T_p). The relationship between these periods comes from: which reduces to or

  • \inline T_p is the peak wave period (s)
  • \inline T_z is the zero crossing wave period (s)


Tzzero crossing wave period, \inline T_z.


the peak wave period, \inline T_p
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PM Gnnk Wp

doubledepth = 0
doublealpha = 0.0081
doublebeta = 1.25 )
This function uses the description of the PM spectra described in frequency to obtain an estimate of the distribution in wave-number using the 1st order dispersion relationship give in dispersion.

This conversion is thus

where in deep water and in shallow water

For a range of north sea conditions (where α =0.0081 and \inline  \omega_p=2 \pi/12.4=0.5), but with varying peak enhancements the PM spectra has the following form in wave-number:
There is an error with your graph parameters for PM_Gnnk_wp with options k=0:0.1 dk=0.01 wp=0.5 alpha=0.0081

Error Message:Function PM_Gnnk_wp failed. Ensure that: Invalid C++


kWave-number (2 π/m)
wpThe peak wave frequency
depthThe water depth. Default value=0 (infinite depth)
alphaThe intensity of the spectra. Default value = 0.01
betaDefault value = 1.25
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