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Break floating-point number into normalized fraction and power of 2
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#include <math.h>
double frexp (double value, int *exp)
long frexpl (long double value, int *exp)
float frexpf (float value, int *exp)


The frexp functions break the floating-point number value into a normalized fraction and an integral power of 2. They store the integer in the int object pointed to by exp.

The functions return a number x such that x has a magnitude in the interval \inline [1/2, 1) or 0, and value = \inline 2^\mathrm{exp} x.

Example - Break floating-point number into normalized fraction and power of 2
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(void)
  double x = 1024, fraction;
  int e;
  fraction = frexp(x, &e);
  printf("x = %.2lf = %.2lf * 2^%d\n", x, fraction, e);
  return 0;
x = 1024.00 = 0.50 * 2^11

Special Values

frexp (0, exp) returns 0, and stores 0 in the object pointed to by exp.

frexp (, exp) returns ∞ and stores an unspecified value in the object pointed to by exp.

frexp (NaN, exp) returns a NaN, and stores an unspecified value in the object pointed to by exp.


The frexp functions conform to ISO/IEC 9899:1999(E).