A queue is an Adaptor that provides a restricted subset of Container functionality.
Key Facts
Gyroscopic Couple: The rate of change of angular momentum (= Moment of Inertia.
= Angular velocity
= Angular velocity of precession.
The queue is defined in the standard header <queue> and in the nonstandard backward-compatibility header <queue.h>.#include<queue> namespace std{ template < class T, class Container = deque<T> > class queue; }
A queue is a Container Adaptor that allows data to be added at one end and taken out of the other end. The deque interface is restricted (i.e., much of it is hidden) so that the required First In First Out (FIFO) queue-like behavior is provided.Queue overflow results from trying to add an element onto a full queue and queue underflow happens when trying to remove an element from an empty queue.
A bounded queue is a queue limited to a fixed number of items.
A simple example of instantiating a queue is:
queue <int> qI; // a queue of integers queue <double> qD; // a queue of doubles // a queue of doubles stored internally in a list queue <double, list <double> > qDoublesInList;
Queue Operations
Create, Copy and Destroy OperationsOperation | Effect |
queue< El > c | Creates an empty queue c which can hold values of type El |
queue< El> c1(c2) | Creates c1 as a copy of c2, whose component type must be El |
queue< El > c1 = c2 | Copy constructor (alternate usage syntax) |
Operation | Effect |
c1==c2 | Returns if c1 is equal to c2 |
c1!=c2 | Returns if c1 is not equal to c2 |
c1<c2 | Returns if c1 is less than c2 |
c1<=c2 | Returns if c1 is less than or equal to c2 |
c1>c2 | Returns if c1 is greater than c2 |
c1>=c2 | Returns if c1 is greater than or equal to c2 |
c.front() | Returns a reference to the front end component of c |
c.back() | Returns a reference to the back end component of c |
c.size() | Returns a value of type size_type giving the number of values currently in c |
c.empty() | Returns true if c is empty (contains zero values), otherwise return false |
Operation | Effect |
c1=c2 | Assigna c2 to c1, and returns the common value. The queue on the left of an assignment receives the values and size of the one on the right |
c.push(val) | Adds val to the back end of c, increasing the size of c by one |
c.pop() | Removes the front end value of c, decreasing size of c by one |
- http://www.sgi.com
- Nicolai M. Josuttis: "The C++ Standard Library"
Example - simple queue of characters
This program illustrates the FIFO behavior of a simple queue of characters, as well as its default constructor, its copy constructor, and the queue push(), pop(), front(), back(),empty(),size() member functions.
#include<iostream> #include<queue> using namespace std; int main { queue<char> queue1; queue1.push('a'); queue1.push('b'); queue1.push('c'); cout <<"\nThe queue1 contains "<<queue1.size()<<" values."; cout <<"\nThe front value is "<<queue1.front()<<" and the back value is "<<queue1.back()<<"."; cin.ignore(80, '\n'); queue<char> queue2(queue1); queue2.push('d'); cout <<"The queue2 is created as a copy of queue1, after which another value is added,so its size is "<<queue2.size()<<"."; cout <<"\nThe front value is "<<queue2.front()<<"and the back value is "<<queue2.back()<<"."; cin.ignore(80, '\n'); cout <<"\nValues of queue1, in FIFO order:\n"; while(!queue1.empty()) { cout <<queue1.front()<<"\n"; queue1.pop(); } cin.ignore(80, '\n'); cout <<"\nValues of queue2, in FIFO order:\n"; while(!queue2.empty()) { cout <<queue2.front()<<"\n"; queue2.pop(); } cin.ignore(80, '\n'); return 0; }
The queue1 contains 3 values.
The front value is a and the back value is c. The queue2 is created as a copy of queue1, after which another value is added, so its size is 4. The front value is a and the back value is d. Values of queue1, in FIFO order:
c Values of queue2, in FIFO order:
The front value is a and the back value is c. The queue2 is created as a copy of queue1, after which another value is added, so its size is 4. The front value is a and the back value is d. Values of queue1, in FIFO order:
c Values of queue2, in FIFO order: