A sequence that supports both forward and backward traversal and insertion of elements to the front or back of the list in constant time
Key Facts
Gyroscopic Couple: The rate of change of angular momentum (= Moment of Inertia.
= Angular velocity
= Angular velocity of precession.
The list template is defined in the standard header <list>, and in the nonstandard backward-compatibility header <list.h>.#include <list> namespace std { template <class T, class Allocator = allocator<T> > class list; }
A list is a Sequence that supports both forward and backward traversal, and constant time insertion and removal of elements at the beginning or the end, or in the middle. A list contain elements which are ordered following a linear sequence.Short example:
list<int> L; //Creates a list with L elements of type int L.push_back(0); // Insert a new element at the end L.push_front(0); // Insert a new element at the beginning L.insert(++L.begin(),2); // Insert "2" before position of first argument
Lists have the property that insertion and splicing do not invalidate iterators to list elements, and that even removal invalidates only the iterators that point to the elements that are removed. The ordering of iterators may be changed but the iterators themselves will not be invalidated or made to point to different elements unless that invalidation or mutation is explicit.List Operations
Create, Copy and Destroy OperationsOperation | Effect |
list< El > c | Creates an empty list with no elements |
list< El > c1(c2) | Creates a copy of another list of the same type (all elements are copied) |
list< El > c(nr) | Creates a list with nr elements that are created by the default constructor |
list< El > c(nr,el) | Creates a list initialized with nr copies of element el |
list< El > c (beg,end) | Creates a list initialized with the elements of the range [beg,end) |
c.~list< El >() | Destroys all elements and frees the memory |
Operation | Effect |
c.size() | Returns the actual number of elements |
c.empty() | Returns if the container is empty (equivalent to size()==0) |
c.max_size() | Returns the maximum number of elements possible |
c1==c2 | Returns if c1 is equal to c2 |
c1!=c2 | Returns if c1 is not equal to c2 (equivalent to !(c1==c2)) |
c1<c2 | Returns if c1 is less than c2 |
c1>c2 | Returns if c1 is greater than c2 (equivalent to c2<c1) |
c1<=c2 | Returns if c1 is less than or equal to c2 (equivalent to !(c2<c1) ) |
c1>=c2 | Returns if c1 is greater than or equal to c2 (equivalent to !(c1<c2)) |
Operation | Effect |
c1=c2 | Assigns all elements of c2 to c1 |
c.assign(nr,el) | Assigns nr copies of element el |
c.assign(beg,end) | Assigns the elements of the range [beg,end) |
c1.swap(c2) | Swaps the data of c1 and c2 |
swap(c1,c2) | Same (as global function) |
Operation | Effect |
c.front() | Returns the first element (without range checking if a first element exists) |
c.back() | Returns the last element (without range checking if a last element exists) |
Operation | Effect |
c.begin() | Returns a bidirectional iterator for the first element |
c.end() | Returns a bidirectional iterator for the position after the last element |
c.rbegin() | Returns a reverse iterator for the first element of a reverse iteration |
c.rend() | Returns a reverse iterator for the position after the last element of a reverse iteration |
Operation | Effect |
c.insert(pos,el) | Inserts at iterator position pos a copy of el and returns the position of the new element |
c.insert(pos,nr,el) | Inserts at iterator position pos nr copies of el (returns nothing) |
c.insert(pos,beg,end) | Inserts at iterator position pos a copy of all elements of the range [beg,end) (returns nothing) |
c.push_back(el) | Appens a copy of el at the end |
c.pop_back() | Removes the last element (does not return it) |
c.push_front(el) | Inserts a copy of el at the beginning |
c.pop_front() | Removes the first element (does not return it) |
c.remove(v) | Removes all elements with value v |
c.remove_if(op) | Removes all elements for which op(elem) yields true |
c.erase(pos) | Removes the element at iterator position pos and returns the position of the next element |
c.erase(beg,end) | Removes all elements of the range [beg,end) and returns the position of the next element |
c.resize(nr) | Changes the number of elements to nr (if size() grows, new elements are created by their default constructor) |
c.resize(nr, el) | Changes the number of elements to nr (if size() grows, new elements are copies of el) |
c. clear() | Removes all elements (makes the list empty) |
Operation | Effect |
c.unique() | Removes duplicates of consecutive elements with the same value |
c.unique(op) | Removes duplicates of consecutive elements, for which op() yields true |
c1.splice(pos,c2) | Moves all elements of c2 to c1 in front of the iterator position pos |
c1.splice(pos,c2,c2pos) | Moves the element at c2pos in c2 in front of pos of list c1 (c1 and c2 may be the same) |
c1.splice(pos,c2,c2beg,c2end) | Moves all elements of the range [c2beg,c2end) in c2 in front of pos of list c1 (c1 and c2 may be the same) |
c.sort() | Sorts all elements with operator < |
c.sort(op) | Sorts all elements with op() |
c1.merge(c2) | Assuming both list contain the elements sorted, moves all elements of c2 into c1 so that all elements are merged and still sorted |
c1.merge(c2,op) | Assuming both list contain the elements sorted due to the sorting criterion op(), moves all elements of c2 into c1 so that all elements are merged and still sorted according to op() |
c.reverse() | Reverses the order of all elements |
Operation | Guarantee |
push_back() | Either succeeds or has no effect |
push_front() | Either succeeds or has no effect |
insert() | Either succeeds or has no effect |
pop_back() | Doesn't throw |
pop_front() | Doesn't throw |
erase() | Doesn't throw |
clear() | Doesn't throw |
resize() | Either succeeds or has no effect |
remove() | Doesn't throw if comparing the elements doesn't throw |
remove_if() | Doesn't throw if the predicate doesn't throw |
unique() | Doesn't throw if comparing the elements doesn't throw |
splice() | Doesn't throw |
merge() | Either succeeds or has no effect if comparing the elements doesn't throw |
reverse() | Doesn't throw |
swap() | Doesn't throw |
- Nicolai M. Josuttis: "The C++ Standard Library"
Example - operations for lists - Linux
This program on data type int illustrates some simple operations for lists.
#include <iostream> #include <list> using namespace std; main() { list<int> LIST; LIST.push_back(1); // Insert a new element at the end LIST.push_front(1); // Insert a new element at the beginning LIST.insert(++LIST.begin(),3); // Insert "3" before position of first argument // (Place before second argument) LIST.push_back(10); LIST.push_back(11); list<int>::iterator i; for(i=LIST.begin(); i != LIST.end(); ++i) cout << *i << " "; cout << endl; return 0; }
1 3 1 10 11
1 3 1 10 11