Stability and Metacentric Height
Key Facts
Gyroscopic Couple: The rate of change of angular momentum (= Moment of Inertia.
= Angular velocity
= Angular velocity of precession.
In 1628 the Swedish warship Vasa was launched in Stockholm harbour.MISSING IMAGE!
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Centre Of Buoyancy And Stability
- Stable. The body returns to it's original position if given a small angular displacement.
- Neutral. The body remains in a new position if given a small angular displacement.
- Unstable. The body heals further over if given a small angular displacement.
The Stability Of Fully Submerged Bodies
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= Volume of Body.
= Specific weight of the fluid.
= Mass of the Body.
is the Centre of Gravity.
is the Centre of Buoyancy and is the centre of gravity of the displaced liquid.
are coincident then the Body will be in Neutral equilibrium.
is below
then the Body is in Unstable equilibrium.
is above
then the body is in Stable equilibrium.
The Stability Of Partially Submerged Bodies
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- Let
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be the weight of the Boat plus it's Load. A small load
is moved a distance
and causes a tilt of angle
. The Boat is now in a new position of equilibrium with
lying along the Vertical through
. The Moment due to the movement of the load is given by:
Moment due to movement ofof
- The Ship tilts from it's old waterline
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to a new waterline
as it moves through an angle
. Due to the movement of the wedge of water from
, the Centre of Buoyancy moves from
. The Change in the moment of the buoyancy Force =
whereis small The Volume of the Wedge
Therefore the Moment of the Couple due to the movement of the wedgeWhereis the Second Moment of Area of the Water Plane Section and
is the volume of water Displaced. Thus if the positions of
are known or can be calculated , then the distance
can be determined since:
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There are in fact two Metacentric heights of a ship. One for Rolling and the other for Pitching. The former will always be less than the latter and unless otherwise stated, the Metacentric given will be for Rolling.
Example - Example 1
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Find it's metacentric height and establish the angular tilt which will result if the load is moved by one ft. sideways.
The height,
- The metacentric heigh is
- The angle is