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Year Basis

Year basis to be used in financial calculations
Controller: CodeCogs



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yb_US0US (NASD) 30/360 - As with the European 30/360 (yb_EU, with the additional provision that if the end date occurs on the 31st of a month it is moved to the 1st of the next month if the start date is earlier than the 30th.
yb_Act1Uses the exact number of elapsed days between the two dates, as well as the exact length of the year.
yb_Act3602Uses the exact number of elapsed days between two dates but assumes the year only have 360 days
yb_Act3653Uses the exact number of elapsed days between two dates but assumes the year always has 365 days
yb_EU4European 30/360 - Each month is assumed to have 30 days, such that the year has only 360 days. Start and end dates that occur on the 31st of a month become equal to the 30th of the same month.
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