Univariate Regression
Univariate regression, polynomial regression, orthogonal polynomials, nonlinear
Univariate regression is an area of curve-fitting which, given a function depending on some parameters, finds the parameters such that provides the best fit to a series of two-dimensional data points, in a certain sense. It is called univariate as the data points are supposed to be sampled from a one-variable function. Compare this to multivariate regression, which aims at fitting data points sampled from a function of several variables. Formally speaking, consider a series of data points and, for the sake of simplicity, consider that , i.e. the points are distinct and are in increasing order with respect to . By doing least squares fitting on these data points we mean finding the parameters of a function such that the sum of squared residuals is minimized. Provided that depends linearly on its parameters, the method is called linear regression, otherwise it is called nonlinear regression. For example, straight line regression, parabolic regression and polynomial regression are all linear regression models since the function is of the form which clearly depends linearly on its parameters. As opposed to this, logistic regression, for example, is a nonlinear regression model since the fitting function is of the form which is a nonlinear function of and . In the following, let us consider each case and briefly explain how the corresponding optimal parameters can be derived.Polynomial Regression
One linear regression method is that of polynomial regression, which refers to finding the polynomial function that provides the least squares fitting to a series of data points. More precisely, if the polynomial function of degree is given by then the optimal parameters can be found by solving the following system of linear equations: For , the function only depends on two parameters and, in this case, the method is called straight line regression. The previous linear system becomes which gives the optimal parameters (as its solution) where and are the averages: For example, consider the set of 7 points: Then the optimal values of the parameters are which gives the fitting line . The following graph shows the data points and the regression line.MISSING IMAGE!
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Orthogonal Polynomial Regression
This is an extension of polynomial regression, in the sense that instead of using as the factors in the fitting function , some special kind of functions are used and thus the expression for becomes: More precisely, the functions should be polynomial, listed in increasing order of their degree and also with the property that for any , where is some weight function. In other words, the sequence of polynomial functions is orthogonal. Apart from this, the regression using orthogonal polynomials uses the same idea of minimizing the sum of squared residuals. It is also implemented as the component Regression/Orthogonal. Below is a graph of a series of data points, shown in blue, and their corresponding fitting function, determined by the method of orthogonal polynomial regression.MISSING IMAGE!
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Nonlinear Regression
As mentioned at the beginning of this reference page, nonlinear regression refers to the cases when the fitting function depends nonlinearly on its parameters. Therefore can virtually be any function with this property. Depending on the experiment from which the data points were obtained and the statistical properties of the phenomenon which took place, we may choose between various families of nonlinear regression functions. To name a few nonlinear regression models, logistic regression is given by the fitting function and is also implemented as Regression/Logistic. In the following image you can see the logistic regression curve in red, for the series of data points shown in blue.MISSING IMAGE!
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- Franklin A. Graybill, Hariharan K. Iyer, Regression Analysis. Concepts and Applications, Duxbury Press, Belmont, California.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curve_fitting
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regression_analysis
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Least_squares
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthogonal_polynomials