world Time Zone
Times zone offsets (from GMT) for key locations around the world.
Controller: CodeCogs 
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Region | GMT offset * 10 |
wt_AbuDhabi | 40
wt_Adelaide | 95
wt_Alaska | -90
wt_Almaty | 60
wt_Amsterdam | 10
wt_Arizona | -70
wt_Athens | 20
wt_Aukland | 120
wt_Azores | -10
wt_Baghdad | 30
wt_Bangkok | 70
wt_Beijing | 80
wt_Berlin | 10
wt_Bern | 10
wt_Bogota | -50
wt_Bombay | 55
wt_Brasilia | -30
wt_Brisbane | 100
wt_Brussels | 10
wt_BuenosAires | -30
wt_Cairo | 20
wt_Calcutta | 55
wt_Canada_AtlanticTime | -40
wt_CapeVerdeIsland | -10
wt_Caracas | -40
wt_Casablanca | 0
wt_Chongqing | 80
wt_Colombo | 55
wt_Darwin | 95
wt_Dhaka | 60
wt_Dublin | 0
wt_EasternEurope | 20
wt_Edingburgh | 0
wt_Ekaterinburg | 50
wt_Eniwetok | -120
wt_Fiji | 120
wt_Georgetown | -30
wt_Guam | 100
wt_Hanoi | 70
wt_Harare | 20
wt_Hawaii | -100
wt_Helsinki | 20
wt_Hobart | 10
wt_HongKong | 80
wt_Indiana_East | -50
wt_Islamabad | 50
wt_Israel | 20
wt_Istanbul | 20
wt_Jakarta | 70
wt_Kabul | 45
wt_Kamchatka | 12
wt_Karachi | 50
wt_Kazan | 40
wt_Kuwait | 30
wt_Kwajalein | -120
wt_LaPaz | -40
wt_Lima | -50
wt_Lisbon | 10
wt_London | 0
wt_Madras | 55
wt_Madrid | 10
wt_Magadan | 110
wt_MarshallIsland | 120
wt_Melbourne | 100
wt_MexicoCity | -60
wt_Mid_Atlantic | -20
wt_MidwayIsland | -110
wt_Monrovia | 0
wt_Moscow | 30
wt_Muscat | 40
wt_Nairobi | 30
wt_NewCaledonia | 110
wt_NewDelhi | 55
wt_Newfoundland | -35
wt_Osaka | 90
wt_Paris | 10
wt_Perth | 80
wt_PortMoresby | 100
wt_Prague | 10
wt_Pretoria | 20
wt_Riyadh | 30
wt_Rome | 10
wt_Samoa | -110
wt_Sapporo | 90
wt_Saskatchewan | -60
wt_Seoul | 90
wt_Singapore | 80
wt_SolomonIsland | 110
wt_StPetersburg | 30
wt_Stockholm | 10
wt_Sydney | 100
wt_Taipei | 80
wt_Tashkent | 50
wt_Tbilisi | 40
wt_Tegucigalpa | -60
wt_Tehran | 30
wt_Tijuana | -80
wt_Tokyo | 90
wt_US_Canada_CentralTime | -60
wt_US_Canada_EasternTime | -50
wt_US_Canada_MountainTime | -70
wt_US_Canada_PacificTime | -80
wt_Urumqi | 80
wt_Vienna | 10
wt_Vladivostok | 100
wt_Volgograd | 40
wt_Warsaw | 10
wt_Wellington | 120
wt_Yakutsk | 90 |
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