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ASM Number

Returns the number of alternating sign matrices of the given order.
int asm_number (int n)

ASM Triangle Row

Returns a row of the alternating sign matrix triangle.
std::vector<int> asm_triangle_row (int n)

Catalan Numbers List

Computes the Catalan numbers, of order 0 to n.
std::vector<int> catalan_numbers_list (int n)

Catalan Triangle Row

Computes the row of the given order in Catalan's triangle.
std::vector<int> catalan_triangle_row (int n, bool first = true)

Derangements List

Returns the number of derangements of 0 through \e n objects.
std::vector<int> derangements_list (int n)

Derangements Number

Calculates the number of derangements of \e n objects.
int derangements_number (int n)

Euler Triangle Row

Computes the row of order \e n in the Euler triangle.
std::vector<int> euler_triangle_row (int n)

Involution Numbers List

Calculates the numbers of involutions of 0 through \e n objects.
std::vector<int> involution_numbers_list (int n)

Morse Thue Number

Calculates the Morse-Thue number of the given order.
int morse_thue_number (int n)

Padovan Numbers List

Calculates the Padovan numbers of orders 0 through \e n.
std::vector<int> padovan_numbers_list (int n)

Pentagonal Number

Calculates the pentagonal number of the given order.
int pentagonal_number (int n)[inline]

Perrin Numbers List

Computes the first \e n values of a Perrin sequence.
std::vector<int> perrin_numbers_list (int n)

Schroeder Numbers List

Computes the first \e n values of the Schroeder sequence.
std::vector<int> schroeder_numbers_list (int n)

Young Number

Calculates the Young tableau number of the given order.
int young_number (int n)

Bell Numbers List

Returns the Bell numbers of order 0 to n.
std::vector<int> bell_numbers_list (int n)

Fixed Permutation

Calculates the number of permutations of \e n objects with \e m fixed.
int fixed_permutation (int n, int m)