Multivariate interpolation is an area of data fitting which, as opposed to univariate interpolation which fitted two-dimensional data points, finds the surface that provides an exact fit to a series of multidimensional data points. It is called multivariate since the data points are supposed to be sampled from a function of several variables. Formally speaking, consider a series ofNearest-neighbor Interpolation
This type of interpolation basically assigns to any pointMISSING IMAGE!
378/nearest2dinterpolexample__.png cannot be found in /users/378/nearest2dinterpolexample__.png. Please contact the submission author.
In general d-dimensional space, nearest-neighbor interpolation assigns to some point
Bilinear Interpolation
This is a generalization of linear interpolation, from 2D to 3D data points. It is assumed that the given data points are distributed along an uniform grid, as are the pointsMISSING IMAGE!
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This solves the problem of doing bilinear interpolation for a set of 4 three-dimensional points. If there are more than 4 points (they should however be a multiple of 2), then we repeat the above algorithm for each cell. The interpolation function over the entire domain is then defined in a piecewise manner on each cell, through the corresponding bilinear interpolation function for that cell.
The image below shows the values obtained by applying linear interpolation on the same series of data points as in the previous graph.MISSING IMAGE!
378/bilinearinterpolexample__.png cannot be found in /users/378/bilinearinterpolexample__.png. Please contact the submission author.
Using the same reasoning as above, we are able to generalize linear interpolation from some
Bicubic Interpolation
Without loss of generality, consider that we are given the values of the pointsMISSING IMAGE!
378/bicubicinterpolationexample__.png cannot be found in /users/378/bicubicinterpolationexample__.png. Please contact the submission author.