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world Time Diff

Returns the time offset between two world locations
Controller: CodeCogs






worldTimeZoneLocB )[inline]
Returns the difference in time between two location around the world, as a fraction of a day. The enumerated worldTimeZone locations contain the difference (in hours * 10) between Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and the stated location. Therefore these enumerated values can be used explicitly to give the difference in time between two locations, for example: The difference in time between Moscow and New York is:
(wt_US_Canada_EasternTime - wt_Moscow)/10.0

Once you add in the addition factor of 1/24 to produce the fractional part of a day, the code for this module simply becomes:
inline double worldTimeDiff(worldTimeZone LocA, worldTimeZone LocB)
  return (LocA - LocB)/(24 * 10.0);     // to get fractions of a day
Therefore in most instances you may prefer to do this calculations directly.


This example gives you the standard times in NewYork, Paris and London. It assumes the computer is based in London.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <codecogs/units/time/now.h>
#include <codecogs/units/time/worldtimediff.h>
#include <codecogs/units/time/timehms.h>
using namespace Units::Time;
void main()
double london=now(st_None);
double ny=london + worldTimeDiff(wt_US_Canada_EasternTime, wt_London);
double paris=london + worldTimeDiff(wt_Paris, wt_London);
int h,m,s;
timeHMS(london, h,m,s);
printf("\n Standard time in London is:   %02d:%02d:%02d", h,m,s);
timeHMS(ny, h,m,s);
printf("\n Standard time in New York is: %02d:%02d:%02d", h,m,s);
timeHMS(paris, h,m,s);
printf("\n Standard time in Paris is:    %02d:%02d:%02d", h,m,s);
A simple extension, using summerTime, ensures that summer time is applied (as appropriate), i.e
timeHMS(london + summerTime(london, st_UK)/24.0, h,m,s);
printf("\n The time in London is:   %02d:%02d:%02d", h,m,s);
timeHMS(ny + summerTime(london, st_USA)/24.0, h,m,s);
printf("\n The time in New York is: %02d:%02d:%02d", h,m,s);
timeHMS(paris + summerTime(london, st_EU)/24.0, h,m,s);
printf("\n The time in Paris is:    %02d:%02d:%02d", h,m,s);


LocAfirst time zone
LocBsecond time zone


the fraction of a 24hr between the two locations


Will Bateman (Nov 2004)
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