Nusselt intpipe
Returns the Nusselt number for a fluid going through a pipe.
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Nusselt Intpipe
doubleNusselt_intpipe( | double | Pr | |
double | Gr | ||
double | Re | )[inline] |
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Example 1
- The following code calculates the Nusselt number for Air at 65 degrees Celsius flowing throug a pipe at 25 degrees with diameter of 0.5 meters. Both the laminar and turbulent cases are considered.
#include <codecogs/engineering/thermodynamics/convection/nusselt_intpipe.h> #include <stdio.h> int main() { double Pr = 0.70849, Gr = 384057065.8607, Re1 = 800, Re2 = 5100; printf("\nAir at 65 deg. Celsius\n"); printf("flowing through a pipe at 25 deg. Celsius\n\n"); printf("Re = %.2lf (laminar flow)\n", Re1); printf("Nu = %.4lf\n\n", Engineering::Heat_Transfer::Convection::Nusselt_intpipe(Pr, Gr, Re1)); printf("Re = %.2lf (turbulent flow)\n", Re2); printf("Nu = %.4lf\n\n", Engineering::Heat_Transfer::Convection::Nusselt_intpipe(Pr, Gr, Re2)); return 0; }
Air at 65 deg. Celsius flowing through a pipe at 25 deg. Celsius Re = 800.00 (laminar flow) Nu = 8.4761 Re = 5100.00 (turbulent flow) Nu = 16.7463
- Dan Stefanescu, Mircea Marinescu - "Termotehnica"
Pr the Prandtl number of the fluid Gr the Grashof number of the fluid Re the Reynolds number of the fluid
- the Nusselt number of the fluid with given parameters
- Grigore Bentea, Lucian Bentea (November 2006)
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