hm plane
Computes the temperature at a given distance within a thin planar homogeneous wall.
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Hm Plane
doublehm_plane( | double | x | |
double | delta | ||
double | t1 | ||
double | t2 | )[inline] |
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Example 1
#include <codecogs/engineering/heat_transfer/conduction/hm_plane.h> #include <stdio.h> int main() { // the distance within the wall double x = 0.165; // the the thickness of the wall double delta = 0.213; // the temperature of the entry surface for the heat flux double t1 = 32.257; // the temperature of the exit surface for the heat flux double t2 = 22.421; // display the various input values printf(" t1 = %.3lf\n t2 = %.3lf\ndelta = %.3lf\n", t1, t2, delta); printf(" x = %.3lf\n\n", x); printf("The temperature at distance %.3lf within the wall is %.5lf\n", x, Engineering::Heat_Transfer::Conduction::hm_plane(x, delta, t1, t2)); return 0; }
Outputt1 = 32.257 t2 = 22.421 delta = 0.213 x = 0.165 The temperature at distance 0.165 within the wall is 24.63756
- The distance within the wall x must be a real positive number less than or equal to the thickness of the wall
and it must be true that
- Dan Stefanescu, Mircea Marinescu - "Termotehnica"
x the distance within the planar wall (<i>meters</i>) delta the thickness of the planar wall (<i>meters</i>) t1 the temperature of the heat flow at the entry surface (degrees Celsius) t2 the temperature of the heat flow at the exit surface (degrees Celsius)
- The temperature at distance x within the wall (<i>degrees Celsius</i>)
- Grigore Bentea, Eduard Bentea (September 2006)
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