nhm plane
Computes the temperatures at contact surfaces between the layers of a planar non-homogeneous wall.
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Nhm Plane
std::vector<double>nhm_plane( | int | n | |
double | t1 | ||
double | t2 | ||
double* | delta | ||
double* | lambda | ) |
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Example 1
#include <codecogs/engineering/heat_transfer/conduction/nhm_plane.h> #include <stdio.h> int main() { // input data int n = 3; double t1 = 22.73, t2 = -15.4, delta[3] = { 0.1, 0.15, 0.2}, lambda[3] = {0.75, 0.95, 1.2}; // display the various input data printf("Input values:\n\n"); printf(" n = %d\nt1 = %.2lf\nt2 = %.2lf\n\n", n, t1, t2); printf("delta:\n("); int i; for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) printf("%.2lf, ", delta[i]); printf("%.2lf)\n\n", delta[n - 1]); printf("lambda:\n("); for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) printf("%.2lf, ", lambda[i]); printf("%.2lf)\n\n", lambda[n - 1]); // compute the temperatures at the contact surfaces between all layers std::vector<double> result = Engineering::Heat_Transfer::Conduction::nhm_plane (3, t1, t2, delta, lambda); // display the results printf("\nThe temperatures at contact surfaces between layers are:\n\n"); printf("("); for (i = 0; i < result.size() - 1; i++) printf("%.5lf, ", result[i]); printf("%.5lf)\n\n", result[result.size() - 1]); return 0; }
Input values: n = 3 t1 = 22.73 t2 = -15.40 delta: (0.10, 0.15, 0.20) lambda: (0.75, 0.95, 1.20) The temperatures at contact surfaces between layers are: (11.62701, -1.52126)
- The inequality
must always hold when passing values to the function.
- Dan Stefanescu, Mircea Marinescu - "Termotehnica"
n the number of layers t1 the temperature of the heat flow at the entry surface (<i>degrees Celsius</i>) t2 the temperature of the heat flow at the exit surface (<i>degrees Celsius</i>) delta an array with the thicknesses of the layers (<i>meters</i>) lambda an array with the thermal conductivities of the layers (<i>Watts per meter Celsius</i>)
- A vector containing the temperatures at the contact surfaces between all layers (<i>degrees Celsius</i>).
- Grigore Bentea, Lucian Bentea (October 2006)
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