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flow enclosed

Computes the radiative heat flow between an enclosing surface and a body found inside it.
Controller: CodeCogs



Flow Enclosed

doublee2 )[inline]
This module calculates the radiative heat flow per unit surface between an enclosing surface and a body found in its interior.

On account of the Stefan-Boltzmann law, the unit radiative heat flow between the two surfaces is given by where with \inline e_1, \inline e_2 the emissivity factors of the enclosed and enclosing surfaces \inline (0 < e_1, e_2 \leq 1), \inline A_1, \inline A_2 the areas of the enclosed and enclosing surfaces, \inline C_0 the emissivity constant of the black body \inline \displaystyle \left(C_0 \approx 5.669 \left[\frac{W}{m^2 K^4}\right]\right) and \inline T_1, \inline T_2 the corresponding absolute temperatures of the two surfaces.

In the diagram below is shown the radiative heat transfer between a body of temperature \inline  T_2 which encloses a body of temperature \inline  T_1 < T_2.


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Example 1

The example below computes the unit radiative heat flow between an enclosing fire brick surface at 1373.16 degrees Kelvin and a spherical oxidated steel body at 873.16 degrees Kelvin, found in its interior.
#include <codecogs/engineering/heat_transfer/radiation/flow_enclosed.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
  // the temperature of the oxidated steel body
  double T1 = 873.16;
  // the temperature of the fire brick surface
  double T2 = 1373.16;
  // the emission factor of the steel body
  double e1 = 0.79;
  // the emission factor of the fire brick surface
  double e2 = 0.75;
  // the area of the spherical steel body
  double A1 = 3.1416;
  // the area of the fire brick enclosing surface
  double A2 = 20;
  // display radiative heat flow between the two enclosed surfaces
  printf("Radiative heat flow = %.5lf W per sq. meter\n",
  (A1, A2, T1, T2, e1, e2));
  return 0;


Radiative heat flow = 127904.73453 W per sq. meter


A table with the emissivity factors of various materials at different temperatures can be found at the following link http://www.monarchserver.com/TableofEmissivity.pdf


Dan Stefanescu, Mircea Marinescu - "Termotehnica"


A1the area of the enclosed body (square meter)
A2the area of the enclosing surface (square meter)
T1the absolute temperature of the enclosed body (Kelvin)
T2the absolute temperature of the enclosing surface (Kelvin)
e1the emissivity factor of the enclosed body
e2the emissivity factor of the enclosing surface


the radiative heat flow between the enclosing surface and the body found in its interior


Grigore Bentea, Lucian Bentea (November 2006)
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