flow shield
Computes the radiative heat flow between two plane surfaces that are separated by a number of absorptive thin shields.
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Flow Shield
doubleflow_shield( | double | T1 | |
double | T2 | ||
double | e1 | ||
double | e2 | ||
int | n | ||
double* | es | )[inline] |
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Example 1
- The example below computes the unit radiative heat flow between an oxidated aluminium plane surface at 873.16 degrees Kelvin and an oxidated copper plane surface at 403.16 degrees Kelvin, separated by two thin shields. The first shield is made of zinc-covered iron at 297.16 degrees Kelvin, while the second is made of brass at 323.16 degrees Kelvin.
You may notice that in the presence of these two thin shields, the heat flow between the given plane surfaces decreases by a factor of 72% than in the case of a non-absorptive medium, as calculated in the Engineering/Heat_Transfer/Radiation/flow_noshield module.
#include <codecogs/engineering/heat_transfer/radiation/flow_shield.h> #include <stdio.h> int main() { // the temperature of the oxidated aluminium surface double T1 = 873.16; // the temperature of the oxidated copper surface double T2 = 403.16; // the emission factor of the aluminium surface double e1 = 0.19; // the emission factor of the copper surface double e2 = 0.76; // the number of shields int n = 2; // the emission factors of the iron and brass shields double es[3] = {0.276, 0.22}; // display radiative heat flow between the two plane surfaces printf("Radiative heat flow = %.5lf W per sq. meter\n", Engineering::Heat_Transfer::Radiation::flow_shield (T1, T2, e1, e2, n, es)); return 0; }
Radiative heat flow = 1579.33128 W per sq. meter
- A table with the emissivity factors of various materials at different temperatures can be found at the following link http://www.monarchserver.com/TableofEmissivity.pdf
- Dan Stefanescu, Mircea Marinescu - "Termotehnica"
T1 the absolute temperature of the first surface (Kelvin) T2 the absolute temperature of the second surface (Kelvin) e1 the emissivity factor of the first surface e2 the emissivity factor of the second surface n the number of shields es an array with the emissivity factors of the shields
- the radiative heat flow between the two plane surfaces (Watt per square meter)
- Grigore Bentea, Lucian Bentea (November 2006)
Source Code
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