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Computes the total energy radiated by a body with given parameters.
double energy (double T, double e = 1.0)[inline]

Flow Noshield

Computes the radiative heat flow between two plane surfaces that are separated by a non-absorptive medium.
double flow_noshield (double T1, double T2, double e1, double e2)[inline]

Flow Shield

Computes the radiative heat flow between two plane surfaces that are separated by a number of absorptive thin shields.
double flow_shield (double T1, double T2, double e1, double e2, int n, double *es)[inline]

Flow Enclosed

Computes the radiative heat flow between an enclosing surface and a body found inside it.
double flow_enclosed (double A1, double A2, double T1, double T2, double e1, double e2)[inline]